dinsdag 6 oktober 2020

In Trance Paddenstoelen


De naam Vliegenzwam (Amantita muscaria) is niet helemaal goed te verklaren .. Waarschijnlijk heeft het te maken met de hallucinerende en de bedwelmende werking van de vliegenzwam. Men kon in trance één met de geest(en) worden en contact leggen met vooroudergeesten.

Het “Lucy in the Sky with Diamons experience' zeg maar .. Hoewel de Beatles het altijd bleven ontkennen dat het iets met LSD te maken had ..  Doet de song anders vermoeden.... John Lennon onthulde dat het om een tekening van zijn zoontje ging die hij gemaakt had op de kleuterschool.
Picture yourself in a boat on a river With tangerine trees and marmalade skies Somebody calls you ..you answer quite slowly A girl with kaleidoscope eyes. -------  

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green Towering over your head Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes. And she's gone. ----- Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain  Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers That grow so incredibly high--------
Lucy in the sky with diamons .. Lucy in the sky with diamons .. Lucy in the sky with diamons .. Lucy in the sky with diamons.
Newspaper taxis appear on the shore  Waiting to take you away  Climb in the back with your head in the clouds  And you're gone.
Lucy in the sky with diamons .. Lucy in the sky with diamons .. Lucy in the sky with diamons .. Lucy in the sky with diamons.
Picture yourself on a train in a station With plasticine porters with looking glass ties Suddently ..someone is there at the turnstile The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
Lucy in the sky with diamons .. Lucy in the sky with diamons .. 
Lucy in the sky with diamons .. Lucy in the sky with diamons.